Backpocket Support
Ready to have back pocket support?
To take your ideas from dreams, to reality?
And actually start acting on these ideas and downloads, versus string and waiting... Which is energetically going to expand you and create capacity.
Capacity that will allow you to:
*Create content that converts
*Create your dream life and actually live it
*Utilize every piece of your online business in a boujee way
*Remove the fluff mindset and focus on something bigger
*Energetically expand your magnetic field to receive more
And more.
You see we all want that, we want a sexy boujee life, but when we fail to make a plan we aren't opening our energetic field up to receive that and more.
Often times we wait... I'll wait to hire the assistant till I am making ___.
I'll wait to seek more support, or hire the coach till I am making ____.
But in reality, to get to our next level... We need that support now.
I think the most valuable part of a day is having another entrepreneur to hold a vision for you, to see your greatness when you might be overthinking it, someone to bounce ideas off of..
Backpocket Support
One month of having a chief content officer/VA join your team.
Where we can expand on your boujee business ideas, plan it out into your social media, and open up your capacity to receive!
How It Works:
*One month access to me via Voxer​
*Creation of your idea hub (AKA parking lot)
*Plans, timelines, content, etc. To Help take your ideas from dreams to your actual reality
*Weekly check-ins to make sure we are meeting the goals set out at the beginning of our session
*Think of it as having a CCO/VA at your fingertips
We Cover:
*Exactly what is holding you back and what you are feeling stuck on when it comes to certain content creating pieces. ​
*How we can breakthrough this block and release content that makes you vibe and feel aligned with your dream life and business.
*In the moment solutions when the burnout, to-do list, and life takes over... and it's easier to slip back into ghosting social media.
*A physical creation of your HUB (AKA parking lot). A shared space where can input ideas, timelines, and launch sequences.
*A place to also ask questions regarding content, sales strategies, email marketing, podcasting, etc.
*The possibilities are endless in this one month container.
It’s not just VA work, it’s different: Grateful I get to be that support system for my clients.
Grab the support you need today!
Next Steps:
Once we have received a notification of your payment, you can expect an email within 24 BUSINESS HOURS. A content questionnaire will be sent, as well check-in to start your month of CCO support.